This is what you are going to get for less than a dollar!
-One level of full 3D world rendered in the beautiful storybook style of
Minigore, full with bushes, trees and props. Be sure to avoid the terrain with poor visibility… there may be a summer camp for vicious Furries in there!
-The furries come in four shapes and sizes: the small Minifurry, the Furry, the lamentable Giant Furry and the most dangerous of them, the Firefurry, a fiesty flaming furry that is able to outrun even John Gore himself. Be warned — blasting a Giant Furry will split the creature into several furries that, if destroyed will split into Minifurries. It’s Russian Nesting Dolls with a vengeance.

-Three different weapons: the trusty machine gun with unlimited ammo, a double-barreled shotgun to give you an extra boost and an exploding booby trap to catch unsuspecting furries with.
-Feeling cornered? Turn the tables by collecting enough four-leaf clovers to unleash your inner beast and become the new worst enemy for the furries by running them over to really awesome banjo music! Seriously, not kidding about the banjo! Perform clover combos to maintain the beast for as long as possible.
-Conquer the online leaderboards with your crazy scores and brag about them using the built-in chat. Minigore is fully OpenFeint Enabled.

-Play while listening to the fully orchestrated original soundtrack with a taste of Monkey Island atmosphere in there, or if you prefer to blast away to your favorite trance beat, you can access your music collection directly in the game on the iPhone OS 3.0!
Arin Hanson, creator of the insanely popular
Metal Gear Awesome and other videos in the Awesome-series, starring as the voice of
John Gore is something you don't want to miss!
-Support for both left and right landscape orientations for the screen.
-Expert mode: after learning the ropes, switch on the expert mode to unleash the full fury of the furries! Very useful for people who want to focus on improving their score.
-Automatic save on exit to never lose your new highscore.
Sound good yet? For the same $0.99 you will also get a free update with co-operative multiplayer, the mysterious mushroom and, of course, our contest winner Evan Hsu appearing with really weird goggles in the first update of the game.