
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Vote on John's new ability

Things are looking very infernal in Episode 3 right now. Oh, what do I mean? Two new enemy types have been implemented: the Flaming Furry which runs very fast and the Giant Flaming Furry which spawns furries of the fiery kind. When you set the difficulty to insane, things get very infernal indeed.

Today's topic is something different, though. To celebrate 100 000 sold units of Minigore and to give John a fighting chance against the infernal furries, he is going to learn a new ability for Episode 3. The new ability is something that we are planning to make unique for each character in a later episode. The ability is activated by double-tapping the right pad (the one you shoot with). It's always available and you can use the ability as many times you want, but it will take a certain amount of time to reload.


Contender number one: Power dash. Power dash literally makes John dash towards the enemies and get out of tight spots while causing damage. John will slice through the larger furries and knock off the smaller ones.

Contender number two: Grenade. John gets a new weapon he can toss into a pack of furries chasing him. The grenade will bounce a few times after landing and explode after a few seconds or on contact with any of the furries.

Vote for your favorite! Also, note that the details of an ability may change slightly during implementation according to our internal play-testing.

UPDATE: This time around the winner wasn't as clear as before, but still the grenade ended up a gathering the majority of votes and did that by a pretty wide margin. Therefore Episode 3 will contain the grenade as a new ability for John Gore!


  1. In my opinion it is like that:
    The principe that it is forbidden to touch those creatures is important for the game, so it would be logical if you are still >fighting< against them and not running through them. The grenade is a better choice to work on the "style" of that little war.

  2. How about letting us pick our ability everytime before we start fighting so u can implement both? :) that would surely please all of us
    from Cooper

  3. And you can implement the winning one first and others later on so things progress at a good speed
    from Cooper

  4. You guys from mountain sheep have alot of good ideas. I like it.
    Keep at it.

  5. ooo i like them both a lot!!
    at first i was going to say "CANT WE HAVE BOTH??!?!?!?" but then afetr reafing the first comment, i really think grenade is a better choice as it keeps in style with the game

    also, if grenade does get voted in please make it so that the smaller furries go flying when it explodes! that would be so funny :p lol

  6. If you read the article, it says soon it will be different for every caractor, and the grenade fits John gore. But some one like the bear, it would make for sence to give him the power dash. Or at least that's what I think.

  7. I think the grenade suits john gore a bit better than the power dash. But power dash is a cool idea, so keep it in mind, you could maybe use it for another character.

  8. I would prefer a mine instead of a grenade though. When pressing a button it may explode.

  9. While a power dash is fun gameplay wise (gets you out of tight spots) the grenade makes more logical sense story wise (not to mention, keeps the tight spot from happening)

  10. Wow I'm big on both but grenade just fits better. After thinking about it my ideas weren't close to minigore at all so I'm sorry. I vote Grenade!!

    Can enviro bears grenade be a fish??

  11. i picked the grenade cause it fits john gore. But u should deffinetly use something like Power Dash for Envio-Bear. The grenade has to explode on impact otherwise it wouldnt do much for u in the 4000's. C4 is still a great idea tho.

  12. maybe jerry gore can have c4? hah it ryhmes!
    but really, that would be cool :)

  13. could we also get video examples of both in action? thanks :)

  14. OMGWTFBBQ ITS JOHN GORE @anonymous and the grenade would better fit JOHN Gore and the powerdash should be for lizzy

  15. I agree.. powerdash for lizzy and grenade for john

  16. I think the power dash would be good for Evan Hsu's character.(the winner of the tag line contest) John should get the grenade.

  17. I like how nearly everyone that's commented has agreed grenade would be best, yet it's losing 40 - 60 :p

    At first I thought grenade would easily be the best choice, but when you actually think about it, I think the dash could be far more useful (say if you get surrounded, it could break you out of the circle - the grenade would more than likely just blow a few of them up and you'd die anyway).

    We'll see, I guess ;)

  18. I know! Power Dash for John's daughter! Or it could be a teddy bear she takes out of her pocket, then she starts to swing it in front of her, it would be power dash, but look different. What do you think?

  19. Why are so many people voting power dash when it's too similar to the beast thing? LET'S GET SOME VARIATION PEOPLE!

  20. I actually had an idea similar to power dash where there is a button in the middle of the screen that slowly refills. When full John would run as fast as if he got attacked by a furry(notice he currently speeds up when he gets hurt). But the only difference is that my idea would be for escape and not attack.

  21. or if you double tap the move circle you dash and if you double tap the shoot circle you throw a grenade, what do you think?????

  22. I actually voted for the power dash, as it's more useful, but I think the grenade fits better to John.
    Now I'm left to imagine the new possibilities for one-liners...
    "Eat /this/, Furballs!"
    "Choke on it!"
    "hmere hmit hmomes!" (grenades pin in mouth)

    BUT keep the power dash in mind for the Enviro Bear or somebody else, kay? I /want/ the power dash to be in the game.

    Seriously, you guys rock.
    (PS. Have you considered changing captcha providers over to re-captcha? They're impossible to hack and it's for a good cause. Easy to use, easy to add as dev.)

  23. Double tap the shoot button, hold down, aim, release.



  25. theres something wrong with the pool... you can vote as much as you want. but the grenade fits john gore more even though the power dash is better. he said the other people will have different powers. Evan should have the power dash.

  26. the grenade should explode on impact..

  27. if you read the top it says "The grenade will bounce a few times after landing and explode after a few seconds or on contact with any of the furries."

  28. its better if it bounces and then explodes so you can get more kills with it

    and jerry gore is a new character, hes an army veteran, thats why i said he could have the c4

    also, grenade has way more votes lol. power dash is losing

  29. who told you about jerry gore? i cant find anything about him?

  30. Ya your right theirs nothin about jerry gore wered you get that? Anyway I vote for grenade cause it just seems better.

  31. I agree, but they should really upgrade John's demon bull type thing to. Thanks.

  32. Jerry gore is in the toucharcade minigore thread

  33. ^^ what he said
    they even have the 3 health models of him, he looks pretty cool

  34. Jerry gore looks cool. Also is there a date when you think episode 3 would be completed

  35. To everyone: Jerry Gore was created by the community. That means that he may or may not be in the game it all depends on the creators.

  36. he seems very popular so i think its safe to assume hes going to be in an episode soon enough

  37. there is a bug in minigore ep1 where the volume control gets screwed after exiting the game. im talking when about when i go play a movie or listen to mp3s in ipod mode, the volume slider is acting abnormal. please look into this, i really like the game


  38. HIS NAME IS JOHN GOREAugust 16, 2009 at 10:12 AM

    his name is john gore get it right or stop posting

  39. Yeah I got the same problem as the previous poster.

  40. Jerry Gore is a character spawned by the TouchArcade forums, he's supposed to be John's father.

  41. Here's some more:

    That should clear up this controversy.

  42. @Millhouse, recaptcha was hacked a while ago... still more reliable nonetheless.

  43. ERATHQUAKE not grenade! :]

  44. earthquake? Why not a porta-pottie

    John Gore "Oh god, excuse me furries, i need to go....*gets in porta-pottie* "HERE IT COMES"
    the ground starts to shake underneath the stall an explosion erupts and kills furries in a 5 mile radious

  45. Look into some of the weapons on the Rachet and Clank games for Ideas. The wife could have a vacuum that sucks the furries in and shoots them out and suck... :D Hmmmm... I can't decide on the power dash and grenade.

  46. check out fat princess on ps3 for idea. its an awsomely fun game with similar graphics to minigore :)

    and people john and jerry are different, get it right or stop posting...

  47. Dash sounds great, but in my opinion it would drastically change gameplay, making the game much easier, so it's granade for me :)

    And BTW I love the way You guys go about letting Your gamers have influence on the game. Thanks for that and keep up the great work!

  48. Although the power dash is better, the grenade will please more people because they want a new wepon. Oh yea but mountain sheep, isn't there another poll wigit you can get, cause in this one you can have unlimited votes. So if someone really wants one of the options, he can vote 20 times. It wouldn't be fair if someone wanted one so bad that he spent 2 hours on the computer voting.

  49. cmon people a grenade? Power dash seems like it would fit into the gameplay way better

  50. little does everyone know that power dash is already in the game.. you get the three leaf clovers and something magical happens!

  51. just FYI:
    reCaptcha wasn't hacked. Google around a bit and you'll see. First, 4chan used automated voting programs to vote in the Time's 100 poll, but they found out and added reCaptcha. Now, the 4chan hackers were screwed. So what they did was they devised a way of entering the captchas as fast as possible, but still by hand.

    The Captchas reCaptcha throws at you are the result of failed word recognition programs. You see, every captcha is made of two words: one is known to the server, one is not. If you correctly enter the one that is known to the server, you'll pass. if two people confirm the unknown word as the same word, it gets saved as a known word and will be reused.

    the 4chan hackers merely found out how to tell which was the known, and which was the unknown word.
    This post is way too long. I'm such a nitpicker :(

  52. Wow. 2 days ago, power dash was winning 60-40. Now grenade is winning, 60-40.

  53. I voted for granade as I think the power push would be hard to use without getting hit by the furries straight afterwards or it being overpowered.

    Just on a sidenote, I love the game now but the reason I bought it in the first place was Egoraptor. I would love to see a few more catchphrases put into the updates.

  54. We need wallpapers of Minigore!!!!!

  55. @icheezy

    power dash was never winning lol
    grenades been infront ever since the poll started

  56. Power dash was winning. Read what shokz said.

  57. grenade is winning. look at the poll.

  58. and when shokz said that he was incorrect, cause i checked the poll when i read that (which was just a few minutes after he posted) and grenade was 60% and power dash 40%

    he got them mixed up

  59. No. Power dash was (keyword: was) winning at some point. And then my friend voted 40 times for grenade. Lol

  60. P.S. You can vot mulitble times.

  61. ??? serious
    it only lets me vote once

    hm i think mountain sheep should use a different poll

  62. All I do is refreash the page and then I can vote again. I cheched, it does count as multible votes

  63. hm. thats weird
    oh wellll i guess. as long as grenades winning :D

  64. In all honesty, I'm sure my fellow top 10 players in the leaderboards would agree that the powerdash would be far more superior in regards to staying alive and going for that higher score. The grenade seems to be more of a novelty item than actual help.

  65. we all know power dash is going to help you live longer. but thats boring, its the same thing as the bull. we dont want a repetative game now do we? no, we want new and fresh features being in updates. besides, you have the 3rd life to live longer now anyway

  66. Anonymous, you took the words right out of my mouth.

    Aldex oun, we know the power dash is better, but every person will have a different power. The grenade suits John gore more than the power dash. Evan should have that. Also, people want new wepons. And to make people happy, the grenade is a better choise

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Adlex,I am in the top 10, and I wouldn't agree with you to 100%,because at the end you would just run into the next wall of furry's when you are over 12000,look with the grenade's you could have a bigger effect when using them in front of you, but I don't raelly know how the grenades will work(explosin radius,etc...),either the power dash so at the end we all have to wait until we can compare both power ups(maybe in futur updates??).
    For my tactic I think the grenades would be best.(I just think, I don't know ;) )

    And c'mon the power dash is almost like the beast mode.

    And I have a question for mountain sheep , how will the power ups effect the leaderboards???,
    because they have to be balanced.
    I hope you will make a survival mode with out any power ups, just with the beast mode.

    So good luck mountain sheep,you guy's really ROOOCK!!!!!!!!!

  69. Yea I agree with Gorinator about the leaderboards thing. The high scores from episode 1 will be lower than episode 2 or 3 because of the 3rd health and the powerups. Perhaps you should have a new leaderboard for each episode as long as new features are added. Also, maybe a future update would allow you to play in episode 1 again to try for that leaderboard. (I hope that made sense.) I'm not sure, its just something to consider.

  70. yep dark night, it does make sense xD,like a standard mode which would always be the same like in episode 1.Because I don't know how the currently first in leaderboard would like it( he has a bit over 24000!!!)when his score would be nothing worth because in futur episode the highscore would be different.

    But i think mountain sheep has something to say about leaderboard's in futur we just have to be patient for the moment,they are doing a great job.

    I think the leaderboard is something very special in minigore, it's were you really try to perfect your minigore skills,and minigore does this so well, because of the minimalist gameplay.And minigore has to keep this gift the developers gave the game, by adding a standard mode.

    I don't know if I said it already ,YOU GUY'S ROOOOOOCK!!!!!

  71. I saw you just were mentioned at the Sony press conference. Good luck!

  72. I think they are both good ideas, the power dash might be easier to execute, if the grenade were launched out of a gun then that would be good, but throwing it might be tricking (targeting, plus another button to push possibly to "throw" instead of fire.

  73. update takin a wile :-( dammit apple

  74. I want the update!!!!!!!! :D
    Apple move your ass

  75. I like Gorinator's idea of a standard mode.
    Mountain Sheep: keep up the good work. You would be selling so many more copies of Minigore if Apple didn't take so long to approve.

  76. Sorry I forgot to say something in my last comment. Mountain Sheep: can you make it so the new characters in Episode 4 can be played in single player also? Because when someone else with an iPhone or iPod Touch isn't around it'd be nice to still be able to play with the new characters.

  77. Can somebody tell me how I force minigore to upload its high score to OpenFeint? I just scored 12400 points, which would make me 18th worldwide, but it won't synchronize! In minigore's high score table, it shows the score all right, but in openfeint, it still thinks my highest score it 7700!

    So, how do I get to be on the high score table?

  78. you have to be connected to openfeint when you lose otherwise it wont submit

  79. RE: Millhouse. Go to the high scores page, it will say something about your score being submitted :/

  80. That didn't work, but I changed my OpenFeint name (I didn't really chang it, but re-entered it), and it worked. 1st place, here I come!

  81. or you can just start the game with WiFi on , then play a game and lose and your scores will be uploaded

  82. I agree with gorinator and everybody else I want different hi-scores for different episodes! Currently top 30 which is okay :/ but all of my and everybody elses hard work will be wiped away :(

  83. just had a thought, since minigore is dropping in the top 100, maybe you could include facebook connect so that we can post our high score on our walls. it would act as an ad as well. just thought that would help let people know what it is. i just played doodle jump and thought maybe it would be a good advertising idea to include that.

    oh and i hate how pocket god just updated their app with bug fixes and it came out in ONE DAY! stupid

  84. ^^ they already have that. its built-in to openfeint. its got twitter as well

  85. *cries* i want minigore episode 2

  86. where is the update? its been like 2 and a half weeks!

  87. oh ya ive seen the facebook news feed integration switch, but ive never had it post anything (or ask me to post) on my wall... i thought for sure the update would be out today. i made the same mistake yesterday and the day before too

  88. @Kimmo
    How do you convert POD files to/from something else a bit more popular, like wavefront OBJ or 3DS? I'd love to butcher a model in blender and add myself as a playable character, but I can't seem to managed to convert the POD files :(

  89. Oh yeah, another comment, yay!
    John's hands have a different color than his face, but you'll probably have to program stuff a bit differently when new characters get added, as I don't think Eviro-Bear will have these pink human-ish hands.

    Also, it's only personal opinion, but I really don't like a furry with a 'stache. They're furry all over, how would you even see a mustache?

  90. ..... Update ....... Update..... When will it come :@ :-( this is not realy good for the fans to wait that long its been almost 3 weeks if I'm right....

  91. oooooohhh....August 21, eh?
    I See What You Did There:

  92. where is the update! this is probably the longest update approval ive ever seen from apple!

  93. Gah, I feel your pain.

    I hope the folks at Apple aren't playing through the whole game (which is infinite, mind you) just to see if there's anything questionable at the end ;)

  94. oh and i heard that they would be adding a way to vote for new features in the app... when is that coming? next episode or a later one?

  95. In the co op mode u shpould have the minigorilla

  96. Could we have some new maps please!?!?!?!?!





  99. srsly minigorillas would be awesome.

  100. seriouly, did nobody else see that Zombie image in the picture gallery? Guys, it looks like the zombie mode everyone's been crying for is for real

  101. Millhouse, that's not a zombie. It's just him when he looses a life.

  102. Oops, I thought u were talking about the one on the top. Zombies would be cool.

  103. I think that the granade will be the winner, is more real than the dash.

    I think that yyou should agree differents maps and differents furries just and idea.
    But your game is perfec i like it soo much.

    Srry for mi english im spanish ;)

  104. Why do a power dash when that is basically what the crazy bull is when you get 3 four leaf closers? Does not make sense. I rather see instead of picking up crates or closers or power ups make it fun for the gamer by earning money to buy the new characters,weapons, you name it. I love how izombie USA and others do that. It makes the game so much more interesting to make you feel like you can't wait to get a certain amount of cash to buy that new weapon ya know? hope that helps!


  106. ...
    So where is this?
