Thursday, December 30, 2010
Squad Based Gameplay

Monday, December 27, 2010
Three little things...

1) This weeks bigger blog post and video will be about the penguins. It will also be about another gameplay addition that involves more than two playable characters on screen simultaneously!
Any guesses how the penguin thing is gonna work?
2) Cult of Mac liked Minigore Episode 4 icon! This is what they said about it:
We love the Minigore icon purely because it features a lovingly crafted picture of an elderly couple wielding a sawn-off shotgun and an uzi. However, it’s not just this Minigore icon that deserves to be recognized – with each update comes a new icon and every one of them has featured a great graphic.
It's great to see that people notice the icon. I put lots of work in each one of them and I can't wait to show you the next icon! It's very different from all the others :)
15 Best iOS App Icons in 2010
3) More and more great contest entries are being submitted as the contest is approaching the grand finale! The following entry was drawn on an iPad by Cedric Philippe:

I happened to stumble upon it in his blog over at:
There's still time to submit your own entries and win an iPod touch or Wacom Intuos!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
AI Controlled Player Partner for Elder Gore Pack!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Multiplayer update is out!

Feature list:
- Introducing cooperative multiplayer over WLAN.
- Co-op gameplay addition: Stay closer to your friend to increase the firepower.
- Tons of new John Gore dialogue and system that selects the comments randomly for each game to add variation.
- Elder Gore character pack. Grandpa and Grandma might be old, but they do know how to handle guns. More characters will join that character pack later.
- Full retina display support. Includes splash screen, menus, HUD & Encyclopedia. New cover art for encyclopedia.
- Hires level backgrounds from the iPad version. (requires retina display)
- It's raining snow on the snow level. (requires 3rd gen device or better)
- Many bug fixes and improvements: Bullets don't go through totems, new level emblems etc.
Let us know how you like and what you would improve in the comments! Revival gameplay seems to be a hot topic and we've discussed a few ideas about it. It would definitely decrease the waiting time if other player dies.
I'm guessing the iPad version could come out in January. App store doesn't accept new submissions during Christmas (23rd - 29th December) so we would have time to test it properly during that time and then submit on 30th for example.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
New multiplayer footage!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Episode 4 has been submitted!!!

We finally submitted the newest update with the local wi-fi multiplayer. There was some problems with the submission, since we had to hotfix the build about 6 times before we finally got it the way it was supposed to be. Let me just say that things are much more complex when multiplayer is involved.
Right now we have our fingers crossed that the update would make it through Apple before Christmas. It seems unlikely at the moment. We have received reports their approval during December will be uber slow due to many developers submitting updates & apps. There's nothing we can do about it, except to hope for the best.
Some brand new co-op screens featuring Enviro-Bear and Evan Hsu (Second screen has Xmas Gore & Santa duo):

Online multiplayer & bluetooth will follow in a later update!
Also as the Minigore Monster Contest is still alive and kicking, I must remind everybody that you still have the time to submit your entry! More info about the contest can be found from the blog post made WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2010.
We also decided to extend the rules a bit (don't worry nothing dramatic) so that all the entries and artwork posted on the forums will automatically be considered for the contest. This means you don't necessarily have to post your work to the email (sheepcontests@gmail.com) in order to participate.
Some people who sent their entries have been wondering if we received their entry. Unfortunately we don't have time to reply to everybody. If you are unsure if we got it or not, check your email account's "sent" folder to see if it is there. If you can't find it, or don't know how to check, you can resubmit your entry to make sure.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The bringer of news is here...Episode 4 news that is!

Saturday, November 27, 2010
Before Minigore there was RamMan

Before John Gore we had a physics based game concept called RamMan. It was a game about blocky treasure hunter running around a level evading a monster. The player had no guns, he only had a grappling hook & slippery shoes. The grappling hook and his slippery shoes allowed him to swing around obstacles and make RamMan hit the obstacles instead. The gameplay was based around accurate timing and use of momentum:

The ancient beast who is chasing him is the RamMan. If you combine ramming and man that's pretty much what you get, literally :D

3d models of the characters that were modeled in Zbrush:

RamMan & the treasure hunter posing in their final form:

The temple is many floors deep. As you complete each floor the earlier floor will break into pieces and you fall on the deeper floor. Only on the deepest floor you can finally reach the green jewels of the statue and defeat RamMan by putting the jewels into his eye sockets.

Very blocky test scene:

Mockup of how it would have looked like:

I might have some video buried deep in the archives, I'll update this post if I can find it.
-UPDATE - Here's the footage I talked about:
DISCLAIMER: This is old and buried game which never made it into full production.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Multiplayer is just around the corner!

New favicon for the Minigore forums:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tons of Things

Secondly, the contest has seen many great entries so far. I only have a small complaint. I WANT MORE ENTRIES!!! I'm quite sure you have friends who would like to win an iPod or a Wacom! The competition also created something nice in it's own: The Mountain Sheep Forums. So be sure to register and chat with other fans, check out fan art, competition entries or just talk about the weather... You can find the forums at www.mountainsheep.net/forums

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Minigore Monster Contest! Big Prizes!
It's that time of the year again so let me introduce the next Minigore themed contest:
Click the poster for a hires version!
We would like you to design a monster that fits into the minigore universe. You can use whatever means necessary to make your fantastic creature. This includes digital painting tools like Photoshop or Gimp, traditional art tools, clay, super sculpey, matchsticks & glue, baking cakes, snow, ice sculpting, 3d software, Zbrush, pixel art, papercrafting, blood... maybe not the last one, but you get the point :)
If you plan to draw your monster with pen & paper just scan it or use your camera to take the picture. You must however add a text "minigore monster!" to one of the corners with the same type of pencil, pen or crayons you used to ensure us that the picture is indeed made by you.
Send the pictures to sheepcontests@gmail.com with a description of your monster, its name and its abilities. Also, add in your full name, your address and e-mail (if it's not the same you used to send the pictures). We need your contact information in case you win some of the prizes in the competition. Mountain Sheep will NOT use your contact information in any other way than to inform the winners.
We will pick 10 best monster designs and then we will create a poll out of them for everyone to vote your favourite. We will consider the following judging criteria when picking the 10 finalists for the poll:
1) Creativity
2) Technical skill
3) Effort (you get extra points for making the monster using extraordinary methods)
The deadline for submitting entries is 31st of December 2010 (12.00 (UTC +2 timezone). After we shortlist 10 entries the public voting will be held and the winner will be the design which gets the most votes!
We've got some awesome prizes for the winners:
1st prize : Wacom Intuos 4 M A5 Wide
Top of the line drawing tablet from Wacom. It's same model I used to create all Minigore art.

2nd prize : iPod touch 8GB (4th generation)
It's the latest iPod touch featuring retina display.

3nd prize : Minigore poster and a mug
Cool Minigore themed merchandise.
Everyone at Mountain Sheep is super excited about the competition and I personally can't wait to see what kind of crazy designs you guys & gals come up with!
UPDATE: I did a couple examples to answer few questions and to get you even more inspired to throw together some crazy designs!

Let your imagination fly! The monsters can be as tiny as an ant or as big as a mountain, it could be designed as playable character or it could be a boss, or just a regular monster. If you want to go the whole nine yards it can be put into elaborate setting with a moody background and other characters.
Discussion about entries Minigore Forums
Monday, November 8, 2010
Gangster in white

Monday, November 1, 2010
Graveyard news

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Poll. Patch talk...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Minigore Halloween Episode is out!

It’s Halloween, everyone! Let’s see what we got in store for you this year!
We've done some major changes in the game logic so if you have any issues please report them in the comments. Next version with the first three Minigore Encyclopedia pages is almost ready for beta testing, so testers be ready :)
Monday, October 25, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Halloween Episode submission!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010
Halloween Episode

Monday, September 27, 2010
Update Details & Promo Codes
Let's start with how the beginning of the game looks on each version:
1. Scoring system reworked. "Score" has been changed to "kills".
2. Multipliers. You get more kills for bigger targets and blowing up the fur bombs when other enemies are in range gets you even more extra kills. Beast mode gives double kills.

3. Remade snow level. It has different layout and everything from trees to bushes is covered in snow. Remember the original Kid Gore? This is a change of similar magnitude.
4. New difficulty selection. Probably my favourite in terms of wow factor. The camera is zoomed way out to give you a better view of the level.
5. Unique muzzle flashes for all weapons. For now it's just a visual flavour but in Episode 4 it is used to communicate co-op weapon efficiency for each player. The closer players get to each other the bigger the muzzle flashes & faster the fire rate. It's made to encourage cooperative play.

6. Hearts for health visualization. They are displayed in the top left corner. If the character has 5 health states you don't have to remember how each one looks.
7. Clover pick-up and slots right where you pick up the clovers. Makes it easier to see how many you have because it's displayed where the action is at.
Game Center related changes:
1. Achievements through Game Center with prettier achievement icons.
2. New leaderboards with less clutter and faster response time. OpenFeint leaderboards are gonna be removed.
Let's not stop quite here, then there's the bug fixes:
1. Retina display enabled on iPod touch 4. We got ipt4 at the office and it's working beautifully on it.
2. Flip screen bug fixed on iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4. This one should remain fixed until Apple rolls out the next device with different resolution. ;)
3. Sometimes fire direction got stuck, it shouldn't do that anymore.
Kimmo is working hard on finishing the Game Center implementation, then the update should be ready for testing & submission.
We get some new promo codes for each update. Most people who read this blog probably already have the iPhone version, in any case here's 40 promo codes for the iPhone version you can share with your friends!
Please leave a review on iTunes if you use one :)
EDIT! Looks like all promo codes are taken, I'll clear this space so you don't have to scroll so much EDIT!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Info about the bug fix coming up!
In short: we put in a lot more stuff from Episode 4 into it as you can tell by looking at this screenshot:

Jussi has been in fever since middle of last week so I might be the one doing the post if he's still feeling ill today.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Game Center
Friday, September 17, 2010
Retina display update is out!
US iTunes is already showing the new icon:
The icon features Kimmo's favourite character "Easter Bunny", everyone else at the office would rather jump off the window (1st floor) than play as that character ;)
The update adds support for retina display (iPhone 4 only) and faster frame rate on iPhone 3Gs, iPod touch 3rd gen and iPhone 4.
UPDATE: We don't have iPod touch 4 at the office yet - it seems like the hires mode doesn't activate on it, also it's possible the faster frame rate doesn't activate either. This update was submitted around the time when iPod touch 4 was introduced so it's gonna need a new update to add support for it.
There's a huge difference in the level of detail between normal and retina versions:
For some reason JPG artifacting is more noticiable in the left side image, but other than that it's a fair comparison. I took the left side screen shot on an older iPod touch and the right side capture was done with iPhone 4.
You can download the update here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/minigore/id324016249?mt=8
bharter: Thanks for mentioning the missing link!