Hello for the second time blog followers!
First of all I have to say I'm quite astonished about the amount of fan posts here on the blog and also on Touch Arcade, where I registered to view the beta testing forums. And boy.. believe it or not, the amount of ideas, opinions, bug reports, expectations and all kinds of chatter from the past 1,5 years is making my head spin. I think I was dreaming of Minigore last night too. For a person like me who is quite new to this community the information is a bit overwhelming. However, I think I'm getting a grasp of this :D. That said I'll try to answer some questions I noticed on the blog.
So there's a lot of questions about the release of Episode 4. I understand people are waiting it like there's no tomorrow but unfortunately I won't guess the release date. I'm saying "guess" because there's really no way to know. If I throw a date out of nowhere it is most likely to be inaccurate. It will be released when it's done.
About the totems... changing the difficulty setting midgame with the totems will not be possible. The dynamic difficulty made the multiplayer code too complicated and had to be changed. You choose the difficulty at the beginning of each round. Once you have chosen a difficulty, it will be set to default to new rounds until you choose a different totem.
There was also a question if there's going to be new enemies and the answer is yes. Timo has been pulling all-nighters for awhile and I really wonder if he sleeps at all. Please note that this is probably not going to make it to Ep 4, since the content for that is pretty much decided and we are focusing on finishing the update before adding new features.
I have the great honor to introduce to you, the making of: Metusalem's Monstrosity!!
And the Final Version:
Pretty nice, don't you think? :)
Oh yeah, about Game Center. We here at Mountain Sheep are really excited about the GC. We wanted to see how well it starts and we are pleased so far.
P.s. Now I know where my snacks are disappearing to... It's the mysterious "Timmo" character I'm sure. I wonder if he lurks in the office closet and comes out at night to devour my peanuts!!!