It's again time for a weekly post. Got some good news for you! Here goes:
We have submitted the Halloween Episode.
Now it's really up to Apple if it will make it in time for Halloween but we have every reason to believe this would be the case. According to Apple they manage to review 87% of the updates withing a week. Even if Minigore falls in to that unfortunate 13% we still have about 6 days for them to get it done.
Many people were confused this being Episode 4, but It's not. If I have to give it an Episode number, I'd say it's like Episode 3.9x. This is what is included in this update:
-New playable character Undead Jenny Gore matching the Halloween spirit!
-Completely remade snow level.
-Kill multipliers, "kills" instead of "score".
-Gamecenter support.
-Retina Display support for iPod 4G.
-Various bug fixes (including the flip screen bug on iPhone 4).
Minigore HD for iPad will not get this update. We wish to update the HD version straight to Episode 4.
I hope you guys enjoy this version as much as I enjoyed testing it!
About Game Center being compatible only with the newer generation devices, we are aware of this. I'd like to be able to do something about it, but I really can't. We are following Apple's footsteps with supporting the newer gen and Game Center seems to be the way to go. It also works faster than OpenFeint. For the users of older devices, this is unfortunate.