
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Zombie Evolution

Metalbear wanted to see some more technical art stuff so I thought I would post this. It shows the evolution of the zombie 3d models:

Zombie Evolution

Click the image for a closer view.

To continue with the technical stuff: Recently we updated our 3d model exporter. That confused the level collision code so it's gonna take a day or two to fix the bugs. We updated the exporter because there's new optimization features which could help us improve the framerate quite a bit. Also when we return to the office on Monday the multiplayer optimization marathon continues...


  1. Why don't you guys update the stuff you have finished now, and add the multiplayer in the next update? Just wondering.

  2. I prefer a gigantic update over a small update. Have you added inferno mode to the iPad edition? Have you finished editing the map? How's the progress on the other characters besides Jenny Gore?

  3. I think they should do another poll on whether to release the content they've finished thus far, or wait until everything is finished for one giant update. Who likes my idea?

  4. Wow, if you give us frequent(and interesting like this one)updates about the development of Minigore like today, i can wait forever for the next update, thanks :)

  5. Anonymous said...
    Why don't you guys update the stuff you have finished now, and add the multiplayer in the next update? Just wondering

    I said the same thing on the last post hopefully they get the idea

  6. Hey lovin this stuff! :) can we have a wee preview of the worm thing that lives in the hole? Thanks timmo

  7. Some pretty interesting behind the scenes looks.

    Thanks for the updates

  8. Thanks for the update:) and ignore all the previous hate(not from me of course)on the blog you've just got some really impatient fans:p

    Anyways I was wondering why all the zombies are guys? Maybe there's a girl in there but I can't tell haha. So will you be adding new zombie types later or are these thepretty much final version?

  9. are Evan Hsu and Sensei Evan geting voices too?

  10. A quick add on. When you say your optimizing the multiplayer for older devices how old do you mean? 2nd gen? I'm pretty sure you guys are cutting off fist gens from multiplayer right?

  11. when is it coming out i am going to die if it does'nt come out soon

  12. I'm suprised i actually understood a lot of that stuff! Thnx for updating =)

  13. Now that's what I'm talking about! Keep up the good work!


  14. "Metalbear said...
    Now that's what I'm talking about! Keep up the good work!"

    That's exactly what I was gonna say, word for word =D. And no, you shouldn't release the current progress before multiplayer. 'Cause somehow, this update seems doomed to me ^^. They've been planning it for almost a year now, so let's not delay the big leap any more.

    And the bigger it is, the better it will be for all of us. That's what she said.

  15. People who want an update right now for small things that are done...
    1. The App would be extremely unstable
    2. It costs money to put an app in the app store you know. Apple isn't just running it for the good earth.

  16. Looks great!!!

    can you now introduce metal bear now

    Keep it up MS

  17. Who is the Zombie Hunter?
    He looks Kool
    So who is he?

  18. I would prefer small, but several, updates instead of one HUGE update. All the new content looks impressive and awesome!

  19. @cat dj
    I think it might an achievement, but if it's a character that'd be awesome =)

  20. EDIT:

    @cat dj
    I think it might just be an achievement, but if it's a character that'd be awesome =)

  21. Looks epic!!!
    But a few questions

    Is metalbear real?
    is this update going to be done in the next few weeks?

    Is Multiplayer going to work among A ipod touch connecting with a iphone,i am asking this question because some games when using a ipod touch connecting to a iphone it lags

  22. @Cat DJ

    What do you mean "Is Metalbear real?"?

    Of course I am.

  23. @Metalbear

    I meant is the character real??

  24. @Cat DJ

    Some say he's just a myth. Others say he can't exist. But some believe him to be TOO real.

    (To answer your question, yes he's real and confirmed for episode 4)

  25. Oh and also, Timmo, you should update the update summary at the bottom of the blog !

  26. Nice job guys and gals at ms thanks for the info!
    Also what is "metal bear" and yes I mean the minigore, character not u metalbear

  27. Good job Timmo!(for updating the blog)

    I'm really excited for the update. ;)


  28. @metalbear
    Where does it say he's been confirmed for episode 4?

  29. "Willis said...

    People who want an update right now for small things that are done...
    1. The App would be extremely unstable
    2. It costs money to put an app in the app store you know. Apple isn't just running it for the good earth. "

    I remember reading a comment from Timo a while back where he specifically said that it does not cost money to submit an app to the app store.

  30. did anyone notice in the last picture john gore had double machein guns so maby they will add a machein gun in a wepons crate

  31. @anon above
    nope, that's just gangster gore. Sorry -.-

  32. Timmo or Ms
    Could you tell me is the Metal bear character real? or Not

  33. Looking good, from how your art looks I take it you can only run a model of say 20(ish) polygons to maintain a playable/enjoyable frame rate right?

    In terms of time do you think the update will be out before Halo Reach (14th sept)

  34. hey! Sorry for the fact that I write in this topic
    but i don't understand some text heroes...
    1.stay off my leg
    2. must be my lucky day

    another? ...

    thanks for help

  35. "I'm hungry for some gnomes..."

  36. I dont want them to rush on multiplayer because I do not just want local wifi and bluetooth i want a actual online where u can play co-op whenever you want and not when you just have a friend with you.

  37. Multiplayer is going to be local, wether they rush it or don't. Perhaps in another episode, they'll add online.

    "I don't remember this forest!"

  38. Will Metalbear be in episode 4, or any episode?

  39. i hate metalbear, stop trying so hard to be a part of this, i personally find you really pretentious, annoying and nosey....

  40. If minigore Ep 4 does not come out before September 1 i will be pissed off and start spamming

  41. stars at heroes - what they mean ?

  42. @Anon above

    And I find the same qualities in you. Let him ask whatever he wants.

  43. @Cat DJ don't spam, after all it's just a game
    you paid $1 for. Most 1$ games give you one update at most. Even if MS is so awesome & you have high expectations, there's no point in spamming.


  44. To those of you who threaten with spam if you don't get an update by a specific date, well, good luck i guess. First off, people will just get irritated by the spam. it's not going to do ANYTHING to affect the release date time. All it proves is that you're simply obnoxious, whiny, obviously about 10-16 years old with no friends, and that you really need to go outside and find something better to do with your time for now. Who knows, maybe by the time you come inside from having done something productive outside the update could be here. and just as Anon above said, there's no point to the spam. It's not gonna get you far in life.

    Keep it up Timo. I love the work so far. It will be an awesome update when it's all said and done.

  45. I wish that metalbear never did exist. I love the whole concept of him and the dual weilding shotguns but his creator is such an asshole that it just ruins the whole character

  46. I'm just waiting for a $0.99 in game purchase-able Hardgore mode. Any news on when that'll come to fruition?

  47. I'm glad the Anon two posts above likes the concept of the character I created. :)

    But once again, it was a joint effort between myself and RC5052.

  48. @all the people dissing metalbear how can u call him an ahole if u don't even know him!?

  49. @anon about hardgore
    It's probably gonna be free dude. Timo said he didn't want to add anymore in-app purchases. And yeah I'm not sure anyone but the creators know much about hardgore. I'm guess it's just a story mode plus new gameplay

  50. On a completely unrelated topic, I'm tired of trying to get 1 million kills for the last character. It's impossible. I was excited when I heard about the auto-firing, but they cut the total kills gained in half (at least!), so that's totally pointless. My point is this; you shouldn't have to work for 6 months on a game that can quickly become monotonous, for an unlockable character. It's relentlessly tiring. Max should be 200,000! 100k alone takes a good 20 hours.

  51. @anon above

    There is a cheap way of getting kills without much work. Use the ninja on insane and don't move. It still takes time, but it takes about a month instead of six if you calculate it. I didn't use it though.

  52. Bah! you're lucky you still have a character to unlock! Sure once you unlock sensei evan, you think he's a total badass, (which he is) but without any goal, except highscores =p, to work for, the game becomes kinda pointless. -.- So I'm really excited for episode 4 =D

  53. Alright i will not spam....
    I get what you mean, But this crap
    Battle bears can do more updates quicker than MS

  54. Thanks for the great post! You guys are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing and making a great game even better!

  55. I was beginning to lose hope.
    Thank you,

  56. If they do have online play...... It should be like left 4 dead.... 4 people taking control of 4 characters.... While the other 4 control different special types of furries..... Or like that Tron app.... 3 different factions and 3 on 3 battles

  57. What are the stars on the character select screen?

  58. @ Anon

    The stars show you which characters you use the most. As you use a character often, stars will start appearing. I've only ever seen 3.

    Pointless system in my opinion too.

  59. AMAZING!!! i totally understood all of this im even more anxious to get my my hands on the new update and episode hey, i was wondering are any of the unlockables gonna have voices? :O and how much longer till a new tralier for the update is posted? :D

  60. @ anon
    the stars arnt a pointless system, they show us how much we use a character, how is that pointless

    and 3stars isnt the highest that i have, i got 5stars on ganster gore and 4 on zombie gore, sensei and john gore


  61. @ Rooteboy

    It's just, you feel the need to get to 5 stars on all characters with this system.

    BTW, how long does it take to reach 5 stars? Is there any calculable way of figuring this out?

  62. anon above
    i dont feel the need to get 5stars on all characters, i just use those characters alot

    i dont know if its possible to estimate how long it takes to reach 5stars, if you use the character alot and get good high scores the stars just build up


  63. Well written. I don't know a whole lot about game development nevertheless it was an interesting read. Bring some more if possible and keep it understandable for the less "computer savvy".

    I noticed there was a Mountain Sheep in the "Thanks" section of the credits for Trine. Is that you guys and if so what contribution did you make?

  64. Mountain Sheep is the name of the company that made minigore, Chillengo:) is just the publisher.


  65. at "-Me"

    der duh derrr

  66. Cut the spam, I'd actually like to USE this blog children.

  67. im a child but i actually like to use this blog for what its ment to be used for thank you metalbear for the comment

  68. (im the annon above)oh and timo if you read this can you please post something, a time estamation(if you can),a video of the evil knight fighting with melee, and tell us if online is going to be bluetooth or wifi.
    thank you

  69. Well I don't think spam is for what the blog was ment for. If you can justify that, I'd be very surprised.

    You trying to prove your delusional point of spam being good for this blog proves that you are a child. I child who doesn't know how to behave.

  70. and one more thing im new to this so i need to ask who is metalbear and why is he getting a character?

  71. i never said spam was a good thing metalbear i was aggreing with you, im sorry if i made you think i was trying to tell everyone that spam is good for a blog (lol)

  72. This grammar... it burns my eyes!

  73. i have had minigore since ep 1 came out, i have allways said good stuff about and ive wated for all the updates to come out but this is just taking to long all i want to know is something like a date please

  74. hey is this the garfield blog cause i'm lost

  75. ...Garfield blog? How could you think that?

    Anyways, does this game have some sort of story? What is going on in the loading screen (also the background of this blog), who are all those people? Is it like a stage play or something?

  76. Statement:
    If this is not finished by September 1st
    then something at Ms is going on!

    Overview: 3 months and no update?! Crap!

    Final Say: HURRY UP!

  77. Lol @anon above and metalbear what does your character actually look like?

  78. @Anon

    Looks like Ya Mum

  79. This is just great, more pointless spam. This could have been spam free. I STRONGLY suggest a moderation system on this blog.

    I will post a link of Metalbear momentarily.


    Metalbear character concept art by Timo Vihola

  81. @metalbear the more you say your pissed off about all the spam the more these 5 year olds are going to put spam on this blog to annoy you and all the people that actually use this blog

    what everyone should do is ignor them, once they see that nobody is paying attion to them they will stop

    but an idea of a blog moderator is a good idea it would help us all

  82. slightly off topic-i forgot to mention i had a vision in a dream last night that there would either be a blog post on when Ep.4 is going to come out on august 17th or Ep.4 is going to come out on august 17th

  83. Hey guys, this update looks great! Nice to see you metalbear, me old friend ;) you cannot do anything to harm metal, he has a metal body for gods sake! Some form of moderation on this blog would be highly appreciated, and I myself would choose metal, because he has experience on that subject. Good to see MS up and running again full on minigore! As for me, my estimate is it will be released mid October, for the simple fact the beta teters haven't even got a beta yet! After then will test and send it off to apple, where they will finally submit it for us to scream like little girls about and it to be an early christmas, until then, good luck!

  84. Lol E-J. It's good to see you reborn on the Minigore blog!

    As for your estimate..... NOOOOO!

  85. Even tho it's not a proper account... :D I also NOOOOOOO My estimate, but all it is a belief after congregating facts in my mind.... Hmmm....... Rebirth felt goooooooooooood E-J signing out for the nigh ;)

  86. Wait.... Did that even make any sense at all?

  87. No I'm not sure it did ej and thanks for the pic of metal bear metalbear

  88. Lol E-J.

    And your welcome L33tb1x

  89. i think that the update will never come because there are no beta testers and minigore is done and it died and will never come back. say hello to one of the new never update apps!

  90. Stop spamming it won't get you anywere and maybe the reason they aren't geting rid of this spam yet is because they are busy ooohh I don't know maybe WORKING THERE BUTTS OFF MAKING THE UPDATE!!
    and to ms don't listen to all these people dissin you your still awsome!

  91. I love how the anon spammer doesn't has the courage to reveal his or her identity. What will come of your IDIOTIC posts? Nothing. You want the update to be released faster? WAIT. Or better yet, go SIT IN YOUR CORNER AND A PERSON WITH A LITTLE MORE MATURITY WILL TELL YOU WHEN IT'S READY. You damage something that can be used as a direct discussion about minigore that mountain sheep may take notice on? Pitiful at best. Why don't they take notice sooner? They're working on the update impatient spammers like yourself DEMAND.

    And you say that I act like I'm the greatest. NO. I respect each and every user here who has a shred of maturity. If you have a problem with me, if you had the decency to say it in a mature way, I shall respect you and reply in a respectful way. Instead, YOU ACT LIKE AN IDIOT, and that deserves no respect what so ever. Respectful people get respect back. Idiots get treated like the age they imitate. A 5-year old child is how you act, so you deserve to be recognised accordingly.

    Don't mess with me chump. You won't like what I'll say.
    Cut the spam.

    Whew.... this blog needs moderation.

  92. hey ur so right metal bear theres so many idiots on this blog keep up the good work ms!

  93. The Baker AnonymousAugust 10, 2010 at 1:13 AM

    What the Beep!!!
    JENNY GORE LOOKS GREAT Mountain Sheep!!
    Can't wait till Metal bear

    Who the hell has done all that spam above??!!
    I am so sorry for the baby spamming on this blog

    A Page with Spam!!!

    Whoever spams again
    i will call a child that has no life

    Come on people!!!

  94. The Baker AnonymousAugust 10, 2010 at 1:15 AM

    oh sorry people
    i got real mad

    i really mean't "Without Spam"

    Sorry MS

  95. I toats agree with the 2 above and also ummm I don't want to be a bitch and all but can you tell us a day b4 the updates out at least
    p.s also have you picked the voice actor for Jenny yet? The girl toucharcade suggested dosent seem like the right kinda voice for Jenny she sounds to animy like to me, like when I try to hear Jenny in my mind (yes I realize that sounds weird but if you knew me you would be used to weird) I hear a kinda deep spoilt brat kind of voice. Ok that's all

  96. The point is not even MS know when the update will come out... They have to send it off to apple and it can take apple from a week to a month to actually release the update, they can tell you when it is sent to apple, but not tell you when it comes out. you will just have to wait......

  97. Hypocrite much metalbear!! Check the other threads and you will find

    Metalbear metalbear metalbear metalbear

    Except for longer

    I'm just saying...

  98. You clearly don't read. It's ok, you'll learn when your older.

    I apologize to those who expected minigore news.

  99. yupp we expect minigore news.... but for some odd reason we only get tiny bits every other month woo....


  101. @metalbear your 100% right we nedd some kine of moderation on this blog i made an acc. on bloger yesterday and im already sick of all the spamers.

    P.S-and i have a question for you im new to this and all so i wanted to know why are you gonna get a character of your own, are you a long time bloger or sometihing any answer would be apprecaited.

  102. @ ThePersonOnline I'm not quite sure why I'd be getting a character. I'm honoured though.

    I'm the blue Metalbear by the way people, the black is obviously an imposter.

  103. @Metalbear I'm not quite sure what you mean. I'm honoured, imitation is the highest for of flattery.

    I'm the real Metalbear by the way people, the blue is obviously a fake.

  104. Not getting involved.

    -Alex Parent,

  105. Yea I figured that one out myself. @metalbear and thatpersononline do you guys have openfeint? If so what's your name? I am currently banned for no apparent reason.

  106. @everybody the real metalbear is the metalbear with the Blogger account (the one with the orange B next to the name[like mine]) dont listen to any other metalbear than him

  107. @L33tb1x

    Metalbear, trust only the one with 14,000 points, no imposters.

  108. do you guys seriously just sit on this and post all day long?

  109. @L33tb1x
    Im the olny one with that name :)

  110. No I'm the real MetalBear. The one with a blogger account is fake!

    I know, because I like penises. I really want to suck ThatPersonOnline!!! I LOVE 2 INCHERS!!!

  111. NO! Let me suck you! I LOVE kissing your ass.

  112. Shut the hell up, anonymous. You think this is funny? You think people are going "hardy harr goddamn har" at your stupid spamming and imitation of metalbear and ThatPersonOnline? Seriously? You are a bunch of pathetic idiots. It truly makes me sad to see some of the god-awful spawn that the human race has produced being set free into the world.

  113. Thank you anon above we need more people like you on this blog

  114. It's good to see a decent anon for a change.

  115. is episode 4 going to have evil knight or is he in a later episode?

  116. Seriously guys? All these impostors, go out get a life, maybe a girlfriend if you already haven't developed more layers of fat than the earth has layers of crust. The funny part is, you're calling us the ones with no lives? i bet your a 30 year old man living with his mum googling god comebacks... Just SHUT UP. If i needed good comebacks i could scrape them from under your mums chin.

  117. Oooooohhhhhh daaaaaaammmmmnnnnn son!

  118. @ Enviro-James
    Freudian slip.

    And please egocentric cretin, your comebacks are extremely elementary. Don't even bother trying to muster an argument, for a 12 year old such as yourself could never come close to prompting the feeling you present within your post, from such meaningless spam.

    As for getting a life, this point is moot. You know absolutely nothing about the person, a person that spams to provoke what you fed into, anger. It takes some mere seconds to type a post on here. That's not having a life? No, what's closer to not having a life is signing up for a blogger account, drawing and creating a character, and focusing so much on a stupid little iPhone game.

    The only idiot here is you.

  119. Excuse me idiot? I do not see any proof what sk ever in my post to prove that I am an idiot. Spamming is pointless, to simply get so worked up over a game and actually try to work people up on these forums just for what? A bit
    Of attention? Thus every spanner is probably am attention seeking brat? And, you're right, I am 12, so what? I'm not exactly stupid.... I'm noone to get worked ip too much on anything really, so I leave it there, don't spam, and moderation please. And even though I am 12 I probably have more pubes than these spammers, filthy little sconches.

  120. See? Loook what this community has fallen to.... Let's just keep it all peace now?

  121. Thank you james i think you said what we were all thinking :)

  122. @ ThatPersonOnline
    You might've been the only one thinking about his pubes.

    @ Enviro-James
    Poor grammar. Please learn how to proofread. Thank you!

    And let's face it, this community is the way it is because of your righteous attitude. As for getting a girlfriend, how can you even retort such a thing when you know absolutely nothing about love? And I'm not talking about your mommy's love.

  123. @Enviro-James
    "loook what this community has fallen to..."? WTF, you're the one saying you're better than everyone else because you grew a pube hair. Seriously?

  124. Wow...... Can everyone please just stop already?

    And by the way, I'll say the comment that essentially turned this blog on it's head again: E-J is entitled to his opinions, so he has every right to voice them.

    @anon with a high vocabulary, Don't use to much of that vocabulary now. It'll make you seem like a desperate person trying to prove a fact that he can actually read.

  125. Wow when I grow up I wanna be just like the nerdy anon and get beat up at school and then fight with a twelve year old over the Internet. You are a pussy.

  126. There's no need to insult anyone. Unless they are deserving of it. I see that anon's point, but the choice of how to convey it was poor. I don't agree with his point, but I don't really feel the need to (entirely) disrespect him. At least voice opinions against another person in a way that doesn't involve cursing would be nice.

    And I still can't understand why I'm hated for Mountain Sheep's descision to put Metalbear in Minigore. It's pretty ridiculous.

  127. @L33tb1x
    I don't get beat up at school because I study online, to support my surfing career (I travel alot). The "twelve year old" has only himself to blame, for when he goes online, he's susceptible to bashing. As for being a pussy, insulting means nothing when done online. I don't mean any of what I say, it's done for a reaction. You guys succumbed.

    I'm just some guy that comes through here a couple times a month to check out the updates. Your susceptibility is what got me to start posting. You need to relax just a tad bit.

    @ Metalbear
    What high vocabulary? I'm speaking with conventional grammar.

    In other news, your buddies on here could learn a lot from your sensical approach. It's commendable.

  128. @anon I don't think many use "cretin", "moot", and "egocentric" conventionally. I may be referring to a different anon. And although I still don't agree with many of your arguments, thanks for the compliment.

  129. This metalbear stuff is getting to be too much!!! He is a video game character!!! Who cares if you think he sucks!!!! Leave the real metalbear alone!!! All metalbear (the real one) wanted to do was help the development of minigore!!! I think this blog does need a moderator with the rights to block certain ip address to idiot spammers coming back under different names. Good job ms for minigore and metalbear for your contribution. Also leave ms alone about how long the update is taking!!!! If you have so much experience and knowledge about app developing then go make your own game!!!! You then will find out that once you submit an update apple can take up to about a month to process it!!! You should only be able to critise ms if you know how the app developing process works!!!!! Why would anyone care if you are upset about how long something may be taking??? Leave your comments to yourself if you don't have anything

  130. It's not your fault he's a cool concept for a character don't worry about the fags here there bored waiting fo an update and just wanna find something to do

  131. yeah i like that idea of a black and white 8-bit john gore too

  132. I still recon all the peeps dissin metalbear Should acually see his character

  133. @all the sexually frustrated anons:

    Want a real laugh instead of spamming a blog?

    Try to get a girlfriend.

    That would be funny to watch.

  134. Ok then, we shall rest this, I will no longer flame... I agree, my post was a reaction to the spam which has been getting to me. Maybe I reacted in an innapropriate way, I believe that stress in my social life has led me into this world of hate. So to the anon... Are we cool? Leave all this in the dust, move on to greener pastures? So I guess this is my apology for how I reacted *E-J*

  135. All this because of one minute game..

  136. mario style john gore!

  137. Omfg the anon above is possibly one of the smartest people alive!!!!1!! (and yes look at my exclamation marks to lol)

  138. Urgh I'm so confused when anyone refers to anon there are too many!!!

    Ps the 8-bit /Mario John gore idea is awesome

  139. @ Enviro-James
    Sure, we're cool.

    @ Anon to the sexually frustrated
    How come you don't have a girlfriend?

  140. hmmm.... i say metalbear, envirodouche and other one with an l all are retards woo go freedom of speech you all are iphone losers

  141. @anon directly above

    Yes, woo. Freedom of speech.

  142. as long as everyone is cool we can move on to topics about minigore

  143. @ illiterate Anon
    This is a funny statement.

    And as I now seem to be partaking in communication here, I'll name myself Machination.

    As for topicality, how many of you have Sensai Evan? How many of you got him without the update scandal?

    I just unlocked Santa Gore, which took me about 6 months, so I can't possibly imagine unlocking Sensai. I sure wish I had exploited the Dev's update mistake.

  144. you r such an looser machinuts u spend ur time playn stupdi games on the iphone lol ur such a looser too metalbear becuz u think ur cool creating a stupid carachter for minigore ya u probably live in basement in ur mums house being 40 year olds thats gay lololol

  145. What? I'm 17.

    And also, I got sensai Evan legitmately in a month. There's an exploit.

  146. Am I the only one that laughed hard at the absurdities of this anon?

    @ MetalBear
    What is this exploit?

    And nice, we share the same age.

  147. It's not really an exploit per sé, but it lies in the Ninja Man character. By using his abilities to run through opponent and kill them instantly, he can rack up kills.

    The secret is to play as ninja man on insane, and NOT move. The furries will come to you, and based on my math, you should earn an average of 200 kills a session for doing nothing. Auto-aim and basic shooting while doing this may affect your score.

    It's essentially the Lazy-Man method, and it requires a little determination and lot's of play time, but this should only take you a month. Use your own method if it works better.

  148. Interesting.

    What about doing it on inferno mode? Less kills?

    Lately I've been using Ninja Man on Inferno, racking up about 8000 points each time without auto-aim. It stuns me that I gather so few kills.

    The only method that's semi-effective is starting on the middle difficulty with Gore. Going from 2000 to 10000 gets you about 2000 kills, but it takes around 10 minutes to do. I'll definitely try your method.

    A question. Does it seem like you gain fewer kills with Sensai Evan? I swear that Gangster Gore, with the dual wielded guns, gets you fewer kills than Gore.

  149. Because you must move off-center, I would assume you'd get less kills. But i'm not sure.

    As for your question: Yes, i think you may be right.

    It's a pain knowing your score doesnt easily translate into kills.

    I suggest you get a blogger account, to prevent imposters.

  150. It definitely is a pain. It needs a better system.

    Thanks for your help Metalbear, you're a good guy.

    I think I might get an account.

    Other things I was curious about...

    How do you feel about the auto-aim? To me it seems, unneeded.
    How about the leaderboard? Why show scores from previous episodes?

  151. Why is metalbear so famous on here?

  152. @Machination

    Auto-aim isn't needed, but I think it's a welcome feature to practice dodging techniques/ just feeling more professional than you really are. It's neat.

    As for the leaderboards, I don't understand them at all.

  153. Wow...ok I must have no life because I just read through ALL the comments...whew. But it's cool-I learned some great tips on how to get lots of kills!

    Anyways, this game is awesome, (I got it about 3 days ago and am loving every second of it, almost reached 10k kills!) and the new content, while it seems like they've been working on it for a while now, LOOKS AWESOME!! I can't wait! I just wish they would give us some sort of a hint about the release date...oh well the fact that the blog has been updated is good.

    Ok I have to say, MAJOR, MAJOR KUDOS AND RESPECT to Metalbear and all other who have been putting up all this ridiculous spam and completely irrelevant comments. MAJOR RESPECT.

    And also, kudos to you to Timo for updating the blog and showing the torch is still burning! And great work to all the devs at Mountain sheep! Keep it up!

  154. ^^^excuse me I believe I meant "...kudos to you TOO Timo..." please excuse me bad grammar :(

  155. Hey Matthew,

    It's good to know your getting kills. Skillz for killz, skillz for killz.

    Thanks for the respect bit too. :)

  156. @L33tb1x

    Yes. :D

    I do believe he was referring to multiple people.

  157. Me being one right ;) lol :) I only just joined, but i was on playhaven :). Yes Kudos to you Timmo and Kimmo and the whole Mountain Sheep team. Don't rush the update so it comes out soon, whatever you do don't rush it! Its gonna come out sometime, and its gonna be great when it comes out!

  158. Yay no one has ever respected me b4!
    Also I agree with e-j above don't rush the update just make it how u want it

  159. Exactly. and back to what machination was saying about auto aim, i think its kind of necessary or should still be used in concept, because its a lot easier when their is a fury of furries chasing you for your guns to simply lock onto them while you run away than have to face them and then move ten redirect yourself and move again, which threatens you with being attacked cuz its kinda crappy aiming without the auto aim. i think you should make it something like this:

    You aim through using the motion sensors on the touch or ipad or whatever, so whatever way you lean it towards, your character shoots that way. with this, you can still control where your character is running without having to run TOWARDS the furries in order for your character to be able to shoot that way.

  160. @Metalbear

    My pleasure. :)

    @L33tb1x and @Enviro-James

    You guys aren't bad either!

    and to L0n3c0mrad, as cool as your suggested controls seems, they seem sort of obsolete because if you wanted to shoot one way and run the opposite, you can just manipulate the control sticks that way. For example, if there is a giant horde of furries charging at you from your right, you could tilt the right stick right to shoot at them while you tilt the left stick left to run away from them.

  161. The Baker AnonymousAugust 14, 2010 at 9:50 PM


    or just tilt right stick and charge into them!!!


    We got another baby on this blog

    Kudos to you!

  162. Yeah, just ignore the spam.

  163. @The Baker Anonymous


    Ok Metalbear, I'm sorry, but I just gotta ask-who are you? I mean, you get a character based on you (or is that just a coincidence?), this blog article was posted because you asked, and you're acting like a moderator (don't get me wrong, that's good;this blog needs one bad).

  164. @Matthew I'll answer in chunks.

    I've had the username Metalbear for quite a number of years on various websites. So, the character Metalbear was not based off me, but rather a character I designed. Metalbear as the character you see today in Timo's concept art is ironically similar to the Jean-jacket design of the original, which was intended as an avatar on a website I was a part of.

    I thought it would be very cool to have Metalbear make a bigger appearance in the gaming world. So a few months ago I mentioned to Timo that along side Enviro-bear, a new terminator-like bear could be designed called Metalbear. He liked the idea, and said it would be hilarious to put in. Strangely though, around the same time, Kimo said no to the idea.

    Over the next few months a friend of mine called RC5052 created modded versions of Enviro-bear, titled Enviro-Metal. This helped us to gain a better understanding of what a tangible Metalbear design could look like. Timo hadn't mentioned Metalbear for some time. So we started really pushing it, in terms of art quality and advertising to MS, to get Enviro-Metal noticed and Metalbear as a character. You can imagine our amazement when Timo had concept art of the Minigore Metalbear character! But Metalbear was only concept art, and many still didn't know what it was. Timo himself said that it was only a possibility, and it might not make it into the game. RC and myself began the "Release Metalbear into Hardland Forest!" campaign, and that's when things really took off. On facebook, this blog, touch arcade, and the playhaven forum, the character's popularity grew. It grew to the point where Timo confirmed Metalbear would be in the game.

    To answer the question "Who are you?", I'm just a regular guy who loves MS's work. I am not related to them or beta test minigore for them. I got a character in the game because I got lucky and that's it. I'm still humbled by their choice. I got this particular post posted because I wrote something both on here and the touch arcade forum that I believed they took to heart. Finally, I act like a moderator on here because this blog should stay clean from spam and such, but MS is busy with the update. I help to return the favour of them using Metalbear. Experience as an actual Moderator helps too.

    Whew.... I hope I answered all your questions and more ;)

  165. бля давай уже апдейт!

  166. @anon

    No swearing please. ;)

  167. @ Anonymous

    I agree(although in a less profane way), as long as it's not rushed!


    very interesting, thanks for the huge post! Cool story, haha I like touch arcade too! Hmm but it is to me inquisitive that although you are "not related to them or beta test minigore for them", you were able to contact Timo (and to some extent Kimo?) about the character. Could you explain that a little bit please? I'm really sorry for pressing you for answers, just tell me if you rather I don't. Thanks!

  168. @Matthew

    I know many friends who beta test minigore. I posted my messages publicly too. And, of course, there is the "Contact Us" button on the official Mountain Sheep website.

  169. Hey metal bear disrespect or anything but isn't metal bear just a copy of enviro bear? I mean hey I'm not trying to make you mad or anything but can you explain to me what the difference between your character and enviro bear?

  170. @mcpebel his charecter is kinda a cyborge version and with 2 shotguns I think

  171. Hard at work?? LOLOLOLOL ? 3 months for a stupid update? LOLOL?

  172. It's just a $1 game, why so much hate? Most Dollie games give u one small update at most but then u say MS sucks because they are working on an update?


  173. No, I say that they suck cock because they promise the fucking world, and then never deliver.

  174. How can it be taking so long... they were supposed to be just putting the finishing touches on. They already have completed almost everything from the looks of the videos so why the wait

  175. Beta testers mebe? Or just plain making it better or even taking out save file bugs

  176. whatever happend to the frankenstine monster?

  177. Exactly, Timo should post a 5 second video clip of "the monster in the hole."


  178. hmm, i expected a blog update, by the time i checked back here -.-

  179. Yea can u update the blog again. Thanx

  180. Oh and also 200th! WOOT WOOT! Lol ms rox

  181. Ooh this second page is nice!

    And to all the complainers and spammers that are saying Mountain Sheep will never put out the update, they are probably working extra hard on special features they haven't mentioned to make believers out of you nonbelievers, or have already SUBMITTED the update and apple is just taking a while processing it BECAUSE THERE IS SO MUCH AWESOME NEW CONTENT! And if you think that they're taking so long, look at all they're other posts concerning episode 4, all the blog pages about it, and ask yourself: how long would it take me to do this? Further more, if you really think Mountain Sheep is a horrible developer, then perhaps you don't deserve their products.

    And one last word to all Anonymous commenter, I suggest you sign up for an account so you can post without being confused for the anonymous who only use that name as a guise to spam and post trash comments. Thank you.

  182. Notice how some posts were deleted...

  183. " HO - LY GWAK!!" This is awesome!!

    Metalbear, I think it's safe to say you are a genius. thank you!! =.)..

  184. Not to creep anyone out, but I didn't do that. Someone with the power to delete your posts is watching you ;)

  185. Thanks for cleaning up the spam ms!

  186. Have you guys realised that ms has done everything we have wanted them to I think they disserve some cred for that

  187. Oh as bcos I didn't get it first time round 200th! WOOT!
