We held a tagline contest last year where the winner ended up as a playable character in Minigore. Evan Hsu was the lucky one with his catchy tagline
"Tiny creatures, Giant adventure!"It's that time of the year again so let me introduce the next Minigore themed contest:
Click the poster for a hires version!
We would like you to design a monster that fits into the minigore universe. You can use whatever means necessary to make your fantastic creature. This includes digital painting tools like Photoshop or Gimp, traditional art tools, clay, super sculpey, matchsticks & glue, baking cakes, snow, ice sculpting, 3d software, Zbrush, pixel art, papercrafting, blood... maybe not the last one, but you get the point :)
If you plan to draw your monster with pen & paper just scan it or use your camera to take the picture. You must however add a text "minigore monster!" to one of the corners with the same type of pencil, pen or crayons you used to ensure us that the picture is indeed made by you.
Send the pictures to sheepcontests@gmail.com with a description of your monster, its name and its abilities. Also, add in your full name, your address and e-mail (if it's not the same you used to send the pictures). We need your contact information in case you win some of the prizes in the competition. Mountain Sheep will NOT use your contact information in any other way than to inform the winners.
We will pick 10 best monster designs and then we will create a poll out of them for everyone to vote your favourite. We will consider the following judging criteria when picking the 10 finalists for the poll:
1) Creativity
2) Technical skill
3) Effort (you get extra points for making the monster using extraordinary methods)
The deadline for submitting entries is 31st of December 2010 (12.00 (UTC +2 timezone). After we shortlist 10 entries the public voting will be held and the winner will be the design which gets the most votes!
We've got some awesome prizes for the winners:
1st prize : Wacom Intuos 4 M A5 Wide
Top of the line drawing tablet from Wacom. It's same model I used to create all Minigore art.

2nd prize : iPod touch 8GB (4th generation)
It's the latest iPod touch featuring retina display.

3nd prize : Minigore poster and a mug
Cool Minigore themed merchandise.
Everyone at Mountain Sheep is super excited about the competition and I personally can't wait to see what kind of crazy designs you guys & gals come up with!
UPDATE: I did a couple examples to answer few questions and to get you even more inspired to throw together some crazy designs!

Let your imagination fly! The monsters can be as tiny as an ant or as big as a mountain, it could be designed as playable character or it could be a boss, or just a regular monster. If you want to go the whole nine yards it can be put into elaborate setting with a moody background and other characters.
Discussion about entries
Minigore Forums